Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

The issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media by users disclosing their personal information on social media such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter. Users often share personal information like their phone numbers, addresses etc. not realizing the serious consequences which could lead to stalking, harassment and in worst case scenario murder. Users have the option to block certain users from viewing their personal information. Users should take advantage of this feature because it ensures privacy and safety from unknown users.

Advice to Baruch College

If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college. I would suggest to use social media as a way to let students and faulty aware of the college activities and events. Often students are not aware of events in the school because it is not announced however, social media such as Facebook lets users create a page where all the activities and events are announced. Students and faculty get the option of liking posts, commenting by suggesting and sharing their ideas. I would definitely take advantage of social media because it saves plenty of time and money, time of sending email to individuals and money by advertising.